Friday, January 28, 2011

Week 4, first four days

Monday, January 24th, 2011:

Day mileage: 10 miles
Pace: 8:45 /mile
Where/How/Who: Central Park/Conversational pace /with Y RRC
Weekly mileage: 10 miles

Run from home to WSY, then a full loop around the park with the team, and then back to the Y, and jog back to home. Easy conversational pace, with about two miles of fast tempo run in the middle. Total mileage more than I had planned for today but it felt OK.

Tuesday, January 25th, 2011:

Day mileage: 7 miles
Pace: 8:24 /mile
Where/How/Who: The Bronx/Easy pace /Alone
Weekly mileage: 17 miles

Run around the Bronx zoo, on cold slippery roads. I am getting used to stepping on snow and slush without getting my feet and socks too wet. The softness is probably easier on the knees, as is a run on a trail, but the risk of falling on ice is always there.

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011:

Day mileage: 0 miles
Pace: NA /mile
Where/How/Who: Nowhere
Weekly mileage: 17 miles

My leg started to hurt yesterday, and it forced me to take Wednesday off. It seems like the high mileage of last week and the long runs of weekend and Monday were not smart ideas.

I ended up taking two more days off, but Thursday due to pain, and Friday due to work. I have only two more days left on this week. So week 4 is probably going to be a low-mileage week. I have to make sure I do an easy (really easy) long run on one of the weekend days.

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