Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I had my first DNF in thes year's Jersey Shore Marathon. Not a fun experience by any stretch of imagination but a good lesson in how NOT to run.

I had too little miles under my belt for the last 4 weeks before the race. The right hip pain that started on bother me on a West Side Run had become severe enough to prevent any run longer than 3 miles. I had done only one six-mile run and one four-mile run in the last two weeks before the race. Foolishly, I called this type of non-training a good taper and plunged into the race.

I ran too fast too early. Following a fast girl who ended up winning the women's marathon, I passed the half-marathon mark at 1:28. At that point, I was feeling OK with enough energy in me to be hopeful for a good finish.

Things started falling apart at mile 19 when I had to slow down. From there till mile 21 I had the most precipitous fade imaginable. I ended up facing legs that were not willing to move at all on mile 21. I had to stop running. Even walking became impossible. I had to get transport to the finish line!

Next race is Brooklyn Half Marathon on May 30th!