Sunday, January 6, 2013

First week of training

41 miles in five days of running. 
I took two days off from running. It makes sense for early weeks of training to start with lower mileage. Unfortunately I didn't go according to the official training plan. It is hard to follow a set plan with changing work hours so I tend to run when my schedule allows me. But 41 miles for first week is not bad. 
The long run ended up being much longer than what I had in mind. Lou and Chuck made the run look much shorter than 18.6 miles. See the route here 
Next week, I'll be shooting for 5-6 days of running with definitely one day off, and about 45-50 miles. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

First day of 2013

First run of 2013 with Lou on West Side and in Harlem. 
WSY showed up at the Nike event last night in good numbers. I missed the event and the midnight run. Wishing all of our runners best of luck, speedy recovery from running injuries, and new PRs.